
Four Simple Steps for Leaders to Create Employee Engagement Fulfillment

About the book

Leadership can be hard, lonely, and confusing. Learning to juggle new responsibilities is one thing, but nothing can prepare you for the anxiety you’ll feel over how you’re perceived, or the ever-present fear that you might disappoint your team or your leader. Align, by Chris Meroff, shares four simple steps that will transform the way you lead, renew your self-confidence and spark change. Through this process, you’ll develop the courage to connect with your team in a meaningful way and start winning together. If you want to create alignment within your organization and create a culture built on employee fulfillment, this book shows you exactly how to get there:

What are people saying about Align?

Grace Bissell

Chris hits the nail on the head with his advice to leaders in that building a strong organization is about valuing your people for who they are over and above what skills they bring to the table. Does that sound backwards? Chris allows the success of this principle to speak for itself in his own organization. The best leaders lead through the example of service to others and by communicating the intrinsic value of each member of their team. Building a culture where people have meaning and purpose, and are thereby more productive and better problem solvers, is no easy task. But the steps Chris lays out in this book will get you there. Follow these steps and you’ll ultimately find yourself in an organization of people that can’t wait for Monday to roll around.

Blair Hickey

Chris has successfully unlocked the keys to building a thriving organization other authors overlook or misunderstand. In his new book, Alignment Leadership, Chris shares the why and how to truly lead putting the people first, creating an organization where everyone wins. It is a must read for anyone who has the confidence to step away from being the boss and transform into a leader who focuses on employee fulfillment.

Michelle Phelps

Chris takes vision and leadership skills to a higher level. I respect his people and team building skills which seem to come naturally, including teamwork with his own employees and organization. He has succeeded in creating a very respectful thriving business and supportive network.

Ben P. Haley

Many management books talk about the importance of culture, but few provide concrete steps to create a strong culture that works for employees and owners. Chris goes beyond that to explain how to involve the entire team to create purpose and values that everyone can support and get behind. An engaged team can accomplish so much more than just a capable team and have a great time doing it. People love to win! This book provides a clear strategy to getting the right people in the right roles and relationships to build a winning team.

Cyndi Short

This book will stimulate your thinking and grow you as a leader. I loved being able to align my personal "why" with the purpose of our department. Doing that is a huge step towards fulfillment! Thanks Chris for the new learning.

Grace Bissell

Chris hits the nail on the head with his advice to leaders in that building a strong organization is about valuing your people for who they are over and above what skills they bring to the table. Does that sound backwards? Chris allows the success of this principle to speak for itself in his own organization. The best leaders lead through the example of service to others and by communicating the intrinsic value of each member of their team. Building a culture where people have meaning and purpose, and are thereby more productive and better problem solvers, is no easy task. But the steps Chris lays out in this book will get you there. Follow these steps and you’ll ultimately find yourself in an organization of people that can’t wait for Monday to roll around.

Blair Hickey

Chris has successfully unlocked the keys to building a thriving organization other authors overlook or misunderstand. In his new book, Alignment Leadership, Chris shares the why and how to truly lead putting the people first, creating an organization where everyone wins. It is a must read for anyone who has the confidence to step away from being the boss and transform into a leader who focuses on employee fulfillment.

Michelle Phelps

Chris takes vision and leadership skills to a higher level. I respect his people and team building skills which seem to come naturally, including teamwork with his own employees and organization. He has succeeded in creating a very respectful thriving business and supportive network.

Ben P. Haley

Many management books talk about the importance of culture, but few provide concrete steps to create a strong culture that works for employees and owners. Chris goes beyond that to explain how to involve the entire team to create purpose and values that everyone can support and get behind. An engaged team can accomplish so much more than just a capable team and have a great time doing it. People love to win! This book provides a clear strategy to getting the right people in the right roles and relationships to build a winning team.

Cyndi Short

This book will stimulate your thinking and grow you as a leader. I loved being able to align my personal "why" with the purpose of our department. Doing that is a huge step towards fulfillment! Thanks Chris for the new learning.

A note from the author

“I am an avid reader and consumer of books, especially books that inspire and teach me. But, when trying to learn about how to be a better leader for my organization – I was getting frustrated. There are 1,000s of books on leadership, and yet after every book I read, I didn’t feel any change. But then, something shifted in my organization that challenged my thoughts and beliefs. I wrote Align, to share my leadership discoveries and failures with the hope that others could benefit from my lessons. My philosophy on leadership is rooted in loving and serving others. What happened in my organization when I fully leaned into my philosophy was nothing short of inspiring. I want every leader to experience the joys of seeing people living out their purpose and finding fulfillment in the workplace.”

Chris Meroff